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Mr. President, You Are Suffocating The Poor. By Izuchukwu Ahuchaogu



Mr. President, You Are Suffocating The Poor. By Izuchukwu Ahuchaogu

It is now longer naysaying that no one is safe from bad government policies, including its cheerleaders.

The effects of a wrong-headed approach to governance are evident in every home, on every plate of food (if any), and on the quality of living; even on Abuja’s now near-empty streets, and the near collapse of small-scale businesses. We all bear the brunt of ill-advised and ill-timed policies, as recently enunciated by the new government of President Bola Tinubu.

Already Tinubu has lost the euphoria and initial advantage going for him. Going forward, he may have to do a lot to mitigate the negative impacts of his initial policies to prove his doubters wrong and make meaningful impact in a bleeding country.


It will be too bad to associate his regime with only enriching the rich and further pauperising the poor.
In contrast, the convoy of over 100 cars in the president’s recent movement in Lagos, the almost 50 SUVs seen earlier during his triumphant return to Abuja in preparation for the inauguration; the governors’ and lawmakers’ convoys, numerous aides and the flamboyance, lavish lifestyle, waste associated with them and their retinue — of staff, family members, appointees, all show the polarity in the lives of those in authority and the governed.
Most Stakeholders have warned that if President Bola Ahmed Tinubu fails to follow the recommendation of his policy advisory council by sequencing the reforms of his administration, more Nigerians will be plunged into poverty.

They said that while most of the initiatives of the president to revamp the economy are good, Tinubu must not “set the cart before the horse” so as not to at the end of the day erode any gains that might be recorded.

The stratified society being created by dimming the hope of Eldorado that Nigerians had thought the new president represents, speaks volumes, from his actions so far.


Welcome to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s republic. Within one month of his coming to power, everything has nosedived, for worse. The initial euphoria of ‘an action government’ has since given way to disillusionment.

Replacing President Muhammadu Buhari, who took almost six months to appoint some principal staff, with the same dullness dogging his government in eight years, the Tinubu regime was ushered in with open hands and excitement because he was at least proactive, having taken some salient actions and made key appointments early in the day. How good or bad those decisions are, are now measured and talked about in every home, office or street corner in the country.

Tinubu told us to tighten our belts and make sacrifices for the country. He removed petrol subsidy, the last semblance of government impact in the lives of the people, and floated the naira almost in one fell swoop, with devastating consequences.

These twin actions erased all pretensions about renewing our hopes in good governance, because there was no iota of thought for the poor.

Normally, before a new government unleashes terror, it tries to cuddle and romance the people with some positive vibes in friendly policy pronouncements, as a means of appreciation.

No, not with Tinubu. From the get go, he has shown the ugly signs of things to come. The cancellation of the official forex rate has raised the naira beyond the black-market rate that he inherited.

A group in the All Progressives Congress (APC) known as the League of Youth Voters for Tinubu and Shettima, has already begged the president to address the rising cost of living in the country as rise in the cost of living is unprecedented and unbearable. “The president is expected to revamp our ailing and critically dysfunctional economy” they said.



Despite the two laudable initiative by Tinubu, it is a common knowledge that the major issue with the country’s forex market remains the shortage of dollar supply as demand continues to surge. Therefore, the president must ensure that measures are taken by both the fiscal and monetary authorities to improve dollar liquidity in the country. Therefore, there must be deliberate efforts to address the massive crude oil theft as well encourage non-oil exports so as to boost inflows of dollar to the country.


One area in which the Tinubu-led administration has been severely criticised is its inability to structure measures and palliatives to ease the pains suffered by Nigerians due to the removal of the fuel subsidy. The sudden fuel subsidy removal has caused untold hardship as Nigerians now grapple with the challenges of meeting up with not only the high cost of petrol but also the increase in the prices of goods and services. To many analysts, the new government ought to get the National Assembly’s approval of the World Bank’s $800 million and commence its rollout to alleviate the suffering of the masses. The NLC and TUC had suspended their planned protest in the hopes that the new government would address the adverse effects of the policy on workers. The government had directed the National Economic Council (NEC), led by Vice-President Kashim Shettima, to devise an approach and work on palliatives.


With the removal of petrol subsidies, federation account allocations to the state governors are expected to increase. This could lead to wastage by the governors as there had been allegations of wasteful spending and money laundering by some of them.


Although the Consumer Price Index (CPI), used to gauge inflation, increased marginally from 22.22 per cent in April to 22.41 per cent, it is expected that inflation will accelerate further when the impact of the policy percolates. While the World Bank has already projected that Nigeria’s inflation would hit 25 per cent in the coming months due to the adverse effect of fuel subsidy removal, analysts at KPMG are projecting 30 per cent, with more Nigerians expected to be pushed into poverty.


The World Bank recently disclosed that no fewer than four million Nigerians were pushed into the poverty trap in the first six months of this year, with another 7.1 million more expected to join the conundrum if properly targeted measures are not taken to manage the impact of fuel subsidy removal. According to the Washington-based financial institution, “compensating transfers will be essential in helping to shield Nigerian households from the initial price impacts of the petrol subsidy reform.”

The multilateral development institution disclosed this during the Nigeria Development Update (NDU) launch last week. Dissecting the NDU, the World Bank Lead Economist for Nigeria and co-author of the report, Alex Sienaert, said four million more Nigerians were pushed into poverty in the first half of 2023. Sienaert, who stressed the need for a new social compact to protect poor and most vulnerable Nigerians in the aftermath of fuel subsidy removal, noted that about 7.1 million more Nigerians would further slip into the poverty quagmire at the end of the year if the right incentives were not properly channelled to help poor and vulnerable Nigerians. Commenting on the headwinds of the forex reforms, he observed a number of adverse consequences, including rising inflation and the increase of debt-to-GDP to about 46 per cent.


As a fallout of the high energy cost, some businesses may find it difficult to retain their workers, which may lead to layoffs and unemployment in the country.


One of the effects of the fuel subsidy removal without emplacing measures to cushion the impact of the policy is reduced productivity, as some state governments have already announced a reduction in the number of working days. This they did to reduce the number of days civil servants commute to their workplaces.


Insecurity remains a challenge to the Tinubu administration as the spate of killings and activities of terrorists have continued unabated.


Beyond the fuel subsidy removal, the Tinubu-led administration would have to address the massive crude oil theft in the country that has for decades remained a huge drain on the economy of Nigeria. For this government to succeed, it must end crude oil theft and channel the funds to other critical sectors of the economy.


The fight against corruption at national and international levels continues to be a serious challenge. The Tinubu-led government must address this challenge as it erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and exacerbates poverty.


There is a need for electoral reforms to encourage continuous participation in the country’s electoral process and address some irregularities observed during the 2023 general election that brought Tinubu to power.


Nigeria has a poor health system, especially at the local government level. This is responsible for the high death rate in the country, especially the high maternal mortality rate, one of the highest in the world. The Tinubu administration must work hard to fix this challenge. Also, Nigeria continues losing medical practitioners to developed countries due to poor working conditions and remuneration. The country’s doctors-to-patient ratio is about one to 5,000.


The previous government anchored its economic diversification agenda on agriculture with programmes such as the Anchor Borrowers’ Scheme. There is a need for the present administration to either maintain it or introduce other innovative initiatives to encourage agricultural activities.


The government must also address the issue of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) leader, as Nnamdi Kanu’s continued incarceration is believed to be part of the reason for the instability in the South East. In addition, the perceived injustice that has led to the rise of some separatist groups in the country must be addressed to ensure stability in Nigeria.


At about N77 trillion, there are concerns that the country’s debt is becoming unstainable. Therefore, the federal government must take steps to shore up its revenue and reduce its appetite for debt.


Steve Oronsaye’s report appears to be gathering dust on the federal government’s shelf. The Oronsaye Panel was set up in 2011, culminating in the submission of an 800-page report on April 16, 2012, recommending the disbandment and merger of 102 government agencies and parastatals. “Ahmed Joda’s Report is equally as important as Steve Oronsaye’s Report,” said Eric Teniola, a political analyst. He added, “On Ahmed Joda’s Panel Report, the full recommendations must be implemented by the next President. The recommendations summarised are for both the core and indirect poverty alleviation.”


Nigerians are watching to see how Tinubu would navigate this challenge and manage the expectations of the political class. Presently, the politicians who helped him to power are insisting that they want to be part of the government, while some others have advised the president to prioritise competence and experts. Specifically, some have warned the president to avoid persons like former Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike, who appears to be forcing himself on the president.


The federal government must initiate deliberate efforts to increase revenue. And to achieve this, there must be an alignment between the fiscal and monetary policy authorities.


Nigeria is more divided since the 2023 general election, and the government must ensure that the divisions and fault lines pushing the country to the brink are bridged.


The government must address the education sector’s poor funding to improve the output level and address perennial industrial action by members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities and other unions in the higher institutions.


Reforms in the public sector are highly necessary to ensure efficiency and better service deliveries in parastatals, agencies and ministries of government.


The federal government-owned refineries must be fixed to decrease imports, generate currency savings, fight inflation, and ultimately improve the country’s macroeconomic outlook.


Nigeria’s power supply remains poor, a major factor constraining industrial development and production output. The new government must take steps to improve the power supply from its present level.


Inconsistent policy administration remains a challenge in Nigeria, and Nigerians would eagerly look forward to the government sustaining some of the policies it has introduced.


Nigeria has weak institutions and would require institutional reforms to implement its reforms and development programmes to achieve the desired outcome.


The government must commit more funds to road projects to reduce the travelling time and deaths on the roads.


More funds are also expected to be committed to developing more railways in the country.


Operators of micro, small and medium-scale enterprises (MSMEs) would look up to the government to initiate policies that would unlock financing to support their businesses and make them competitive.


One of the challenges affecting businesses in the country is multiple taxation. Businesses face different taxes, levies and fees, which eat deep into their profitability.


Lack of job opportunities, poverty, and corruption force thousands of young Nigerians to leave the country every year for greener pastures. Most of these persons go through extremely dangerous routes to Europe, and many die on the road.


The government must create a conducive environment for its citizens. There are even more concerns that millions of Nigerians disillusioned by the outcome of the last presidential election, which not a few strongly believe was systematically rigged, are bent on leaving the country by hook or by crook.

The disenchanted lot is torn between patriotism and partisanship, with several questions on their minds wondering if Tinubu’s presidency will be a departure from the norms associated with the establishment and tokenism. Or, will the new government, which they have declined to confer any legitimacy on, be more or less the same as the old order?


LP crisis: Obi’s visit worsens Abure’s woes




LP crisis: Obi’s visit worsens Abure’s woes

LP crisis: Obi’s visit worsens Abure’s woes

Presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in last year’s general elections, Peter Obi, last week paid a surprise visit to the headquarters of the party in Abuja on Tuesday.

However, the visit earlier perceived to be an endorsement of the national chairman, Julius Abure, outlived its glamour quite shortly, as suspension hammer descended on the embattled national chairman over the weekend.

Reports emerged on Saturday that Abure was suspended from the party in Ward 3 in Arue-Uromi, in Esan North-East Local Government Area of Edo State for alleged high-handedness and anti-party activities.

A letter of suspension dated May 14, 2024, and another letter of ratification dated May 15, 2024, both of which were ratified at a meeting of the state executive committee on Friday night in Benin, stated that the suspension is with immediate effect.

It advised Abure to stop holding out or parading himself as a member of the party.

The letter of suspension was signed by the Ward Chairman, Thompson Ehiguese, and Ward Secretary, Stanley Usiomoh.

DAILY POST reports that the embattled national chairman of the party has been caught in the web of several allegations ranging from financial misappropriation to anti-party activities. However, he has continued to deny any wrongdoing.

Obi had addressed his supporters on X space in March after the party’s controversial national convention.

He said he missed the convention because the party leadership, led by Abure, failed to consult widely with important party stakeholders before holding the convention.

The former Anambra State governor also said he was more committed to creating a new Nigeria than a new Labour Party.

But in what seemed like a change of heart, Obi visited the LP office, urging aggrieved party members to put the survival of Nigerians and Nigeria first above all other interests.

He said he was at the national secretariat for a visit to the chairman and that he would continue to work to bring all warring parties over the crisis in the party to become united.

“For now let us talk about how we are going to survive till then because we politicians always focus on the next election and not about human beings.

“Let us focus on Nigeria, and see that Nigeria works, if Nigeria is working, the Labour Party will work,” Obi said.

As expected, Abure seized the opportunity and swiftly urged varying groups of dissent voices over the controversial Nnewi convention to come together.

Abure said they should set their personal interests aside and work for a party that would make a good show in the next election season.

“I want to say this very clearly, the convention has come and gone, all those who are still angry with us over the Nnewi convention, we want to appeal to them and that they should all come together to work with us to build the party for a new Nigeria that has a vision.

“I believe very strongly that personal interest should be put aside and pursue a new Nigeria that will work for all,” he said.

DAILY POST reports that the visit stirred further trouble for Abure, leading to his suspension from the party.

The Edo State chairman of the party, Hon Kelly Ogbaloi, in an exclusive interview with DAILY POST, said there were heavy allegations against Abure.

He stated that the party’s EXCO in Ward 3 in Arue-Uromi and the Esan North-East Local Government Area of Edo State presented a document containing various allegations leveled against the embattled national chairman to the state executive committee, leading to the endorsement of his suspension.

He said, “the Ward and Local Government EXCOs submitted some documents carrying various degrees of allegations of wrong doings.

“The state council looked at the matter and considered that there was sufficient weight in the allegation and that was why we endorsed the suspension.

“When there are such allegations, what we do is to put such a person in suspension in order to allow for a thorough investigation and that is what we did.

“He (Abure) was suspended in personal capacity not as National Chairman but just as a party member.

“We are setting up a committee to look into the allegations so that if at the end of the day, the National Chairman is not found guilty, the suspension can be vacated and he will return as a member of the party”.

Asked to explain the anti-party activities Abure was accused of, Ogbaloi said, “anti-party here doesn’t mean he has a strong affair with the opposition.

“If there is anything that is likely to bring the party into dispute, or attitudes that do not follow the objective of the party, we can term it as anti-party”.

On how the current leadership crisis in the Labour Party may affect the forthcoming gubernatorial election in the state, he said, “Although we are not clearly separated from challenges as you can see, we are doing our best. We are not losing focus due to the challenges we have at hand.

“We are keeping our parts right and making sure that all the required strategies that can lead us to winning this election are doubled up.

“I can assure Nigerians, especially party supporters, that we are not losing sleep in spite of the hard times we are currently facing.

“We will get there and compete appropriately like any other political party, we are going there to win the election and nothing else.”

Allegations of embezzlement

It could be recalled that Obi in February 2024 called for a thorough and forensic investigation into an embezzlement allegation against the embattled chairman.

The call by the former Anambra Governor was in response to allegations earlier made by Oluchi Oparah, the national treasurer of the party, accusing Abure of allegedly misappropriating N3.5 billion.

Oparah also alleged that the Abure-led National Working Committee, NWC, was working hand-in-hand with the Edo State Government and the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, ahead of the September 2024 governorship polls.

Abure’s face-off with NLC

The Abure-led NWC of the party was recently under attack by the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC, over allegations of maladministration and fraud.

NLC and some stakeholders of the party accused Abure of running the party as a “sole administrator”, leading to the picketing of the party’s national secretariat.

The Deputy President of the NLC Political Commission, Dr Theophilus Ndubuaku, who spoke when the workers occupied the Labour Party headquarters in Abuja, said the decision to picket the party’s national secretariat was taken to express workers’ grievances against Abure’s style of leadership.

He said, “now, it is in the hands of this usurper, he is looking for N30 million, N40 million, and so on to buy forms, excluding the people who founded the party. Enough is enough, Abure must go,” said the acting General Secretary of NLC, Comrade Bello Ismail on the cost of governorship interest and nomination forms.

Similarly, in a letter issued by Comrades TItus Amba and Chris Uyot, the chairman and the secretary of NLC Political Commission, respectively, the union also knocked Abure for not being committed to the ideology of the Labour Party.

Controversial national convention

The Abure-led NWC held a controversial national convention in Nnewi, Anambra State, on March 27 despite opposition from several stakeholders.

Many stakeholders fell out with Abure after the notice of the convention was issued to the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, on March 13.

The move was rejected by critical stakeholders, such as the House of Reps Caucus and the NLC.

Both Obi and Governor Alex Otti of Abia State did not attend the convention.

Recall that prior to the exercise, the NLC Political Commission, in an open letter dated March 15, condemned the convention, saying that critical stakeholders were not carried along.

While demanding for the immediate resignation of Abure, the commission described the convention as illegal, noting that it would not allow any form of illegality in the affairs of the party to stand.

But despite the controversy, the convention was held on March 27, with Abure and seven other National Working Committee members of the party reelected.

Obi’s romance with Abure divides Obidients

Although Obi had assured Nigerians that the outcome of the investigation into the allegations against Abure would be made public, he is yet to speak on the matter.

Speculation about Obi’s romance with the party chairman was further escalated on Tuesday after his visit to Abure’s office at the party’s national secretariat in Abuja.

Some stakeholders of the party who were not comfortable with the development, had distanced themselves from Abure and Obi.

A chieftain of the Labour Party and director of Mobilisation and Contact in Diaspora, Chief Patrick Eholor, at the weekend, expressed dismay over the inability of Obi to resolve the intractable leadership crisis that has continued to plague the party.

According to him, the lack of interest to call a spade a spade, especially in the face of the allegations against Abure speaks volume, wondering why Obi had not waded into the crisis to save the party.

Eholor said, “Peter Obi has his own tricks on his sleeves, that’s why he is afraid to either condemn Abure or address the matter because of his 2027 ambition. I say that categorically without apologies.

“Labour Party, LP, has its own peculiar problem. Its problem has to do with the leadership. The likes of Peter Obi got the party ticket on a platter of gold.

“If you can’t fix your political party and you continue to sleep with Abure on the same bed with all the allegations within and outside your party, how can we now trust you that you will be able to manage the affairs of Nigeria? If you can’t trust a messenger, how do you now trust his message?

“I sacrificed a lot for Peter Obi and Ahmed Datti. I know my contribution financially and emotionally. I also know the risk that I have taken so far to ensure that Peter Obi becomes the president of this country. Unfortunately, we were ‘rigged out’.”

Similarly, a chieftain of the party in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Mr Peters Olaigama told DAILY POST that Obi is “no longer interested in the party”.

According to him, “the body language of Peter Obi says it all. He is obviously not interested in the party anymore. And you just can’t blame him.

“A party that came into the limelight just recently is having a crisis everywhere, this is not what will actualize his dream so I strongly believe that his love for the party has died.

“And trust me, the moment Obi leaves this party, nobody may hear of it again and all the crisis will end. All these problems here and there have been sponsored by those intimidated by his moves. They know very well that if the party is united, it will win any election in Nigeria.

“But then, I blame Obi for not speaking up against those bringing the party down. Somebody’s name has been stained and you still want him to lead the party? That’s not correct.

“It should not be what he feels but what party members feel. Stakeholders are no longer comfortable with Abure so why is he still heading the part? As a person who is planning to rule a country like Nigeria, you can’t settle an issue in your party? That is not correct”.

However, Dr Yunusa Salisu Tanko, the chief spokesperson for the defunct 2023 Labour Party Presidential Campaign Council, while speaking with DAILY POST on Saturday, insisted that Obi’s visit to Abure’s office had nothing to do with endorsement.

He said, “His Excellency visited Abure’s office on reconciliation moves and not for the endorsement of anybody.

“He is only trying to reconcile everybody so that all of us can work as a single body”.

Reacting to reports of those threatening to dump Obi over his ties with Abure, Tanko said, “Peter Obi is a brand of his own. He is an independent brand. It was his popularity that brought into the Labour Party.

“Remember that we are the one who organized and mobilized the third force leadership led by Professor Pat Utomi and we announced the incoming of our movement into the Labour Party before Peter Obi joined the party.

“So it is not a sole right of a single person to lay claim to the success of the party. The success of the party is a conglomerate of everyone that loves Peter Obi.

“We are hardened supporters of Peter Obi and we will continue to do so unti by the grace of God, we win the election”.

On his part, one of the spokespersons for the LP Presidential Campaign Organization, Kenneth Okonkwo, said he was distancing himself from the Julius Abure-led National Working Committee of the Labour Party, LP.

Okonkwo, a veteran Nollywood actor, said he couldn’t continue with a corrupt and incompetent NWC led by Abure.

Okonkwo said he couldn’t continue with a corrupt and incompetent NWC led by Abure.

In a post on his X handle, the Nollywood veteran expressed strong condemnation of the national convention organised by Abure, saying it was rife with criminality and corruption.

“I am suspending my relationship in all ramifications with the purported Abure-led National Working Committee of the Labour Party.

“For me, it’s either a new Nigeria or nothing. I prefer to lose doing the right thing to winning doing the wrong thing.

“Nothing can wash out the criminality, corruption, and incompetence with which the purported National Convention was purportedly organised by Abure.

“I did not leave the comfort of a ruling party, APC, because I believe that they are incompetent and dishonest, only to come and join another incompetent and corrupt association, which is the current Abure-led National Working Committee of the Labour Party.”

Also, another supporter of Obi, identified as Dr A.I., in a post on his X handle asked the presidential candidate to clarify if he endorsed the Abure-led NWC of the Labour Party.

He wrote: “Dear @PeterObi

Did you endorse the Abure -Led NWC of the Labour Party? Was your visit hinged on endorsing the controversial NWC led by Abure? Accept our highest assurances as we await your kind response. A new Nigeria is possible! Thanks. Yours Sincerely, Dr. A.I”

While another supporter, Mallam Jabir wrote on X: “Peter Obi shouldn’t have honoured Abure’s invitation to the secretariat since it was not on his schedule.

“Look at what his good heart is causing the whole Obidients and stakeholders now.

“It’s not politically sagacious to allow a cheap ambush like this.

“Peter Obi should be seen to distance himself from Abure since Abure is no longer being recognised by virtue of his tenure expiration and the illegal convention at Awka.”

Jack the Builder also wrote on X: “Endorsing Abure is like Endorsing Yakubu Mahmoud or Bola Tinubu.

“If I see any evidence of him endorsing Abure, I will personally denounce him publicly and stop posting anything about him. It is an insult to soldiers like me that risked my life greatly in 2023. You can’t do that!”

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Labour Party crises take new turn




Labour Party crises take new turn

Labour Party crises take new turn


The Labour Party (LP) emerged as the third force during last year’s general election, winning one governorship seat and many state and national legislative seats. But, the success of the party has again thrown up another round of crisis leading to an alleged takeover of its administration by the Board of Trustees (BOT). Will the party survive this crisis or will it disintegrate? TONY AKOWE reports
The recent national convention held in Nnewi, Anambra State, by a faction of the Labour Party (LP) led by embattled National Chairman, Julius Abure has further widened the scope of the internal crises in the party.

The LP, which was formed by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and its sister Labour Centre, the Trade Union Congress (TUC), has been embroiled in one internal crisis after the other since its formation. Incidentally, all the crises have always had one thing or the other to do with its national chairman. After a successful stint as national chairman, Dan Nwanyawu left the party to establish the Zenith Labour Party and return the certificate of registration to the NLC.

However, the NLC has had to intervene in the crisis in the party at every instance through its political commission. It is an open secret that the nation’s two Labour centres, NLC and TUC are responsible for the registration of the party, but has left its management in the hands of politicians. Interestingly, the LP constitution gives the two-labour centre due recognition in the composition of its leadership. President and General Secretary of the NLC and TUC are automatic members of the National Executive Committee, and the Board of Trustees of the party. The Labour Centres also sit on the National Working Committee of the party with the President and General Secretary as well as the Chairman of the Women Commission being members.

The exit of Nwanyawu paved the way for the emergence of Abdulkadir Abdulsalam as National Chairman of the party. But his tenure was dogged by lots of crises and controversies. While the crisis with Abdulsalam lasted, Dr. Mike Omotosho, backed by the NLC emerged as factional National Chairman of the party. The emergence of Omotosho as National Chairman in 2018 also had the backing of some state Chairmen of the party who accused Abdulsalam of financial impropriety. He was accused of embezzling N1.3 billion belonging to the party. While the crisis lasted, Abure was in the background serving as the National Secretary of the party. Incidentally, while Abdulsalam died in 2020, Dr Omotosho died in 2022, after stepping aside from his factional chairmanship position to pave the way for Abure to emerge as National Chairman in 2021. Shortly after the emergence of Julius Abure as National Chairman, the LP found itself in another leadership tussle with Lamidi Apapa claiming leadership of the party and alleging that Abure was not duly elected as National Chairman. while suspending the Abure-led executive. But Abure had the backing of the NLC having emerged after a peace process brokered by the Labour Centre and the Independent National Electoral Commission. So, when Apapa claimed leadership of the party, the NLC led a protest to the party secretariat in support of Abure. In addition, the Political Commission of the Labour Centre lashed out at Apapa, describing his actions in the party as shameful, especially when he went to the tribunal as national chairman. Secretary to the political commission said “The shameful conduct of Mr. Lamidi Apapa at the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal today, 17th May 2023, has once again brought to the fore the desperation of certain elements in the political class to deploy all manner of subterfuge and criminality to divide and despoil the massive goodwill currently being enjoyed by the Labour Party all over Nigeria. It is very unfortunate that Mr. Lamidi Apapa who continues to act lawlessly as an impostor ascribing to himself a vague status as the Chairman of the Labour Party and on the claims of representing the Nigeria Labour Congress, is receiving protection from institutions of the state whose mandate is the preservation of law and order. This perfidy by Mr. Lamidi Apapa and his cohorts has been sustained by interested political actors in Nigeria whose abiding wish is the death of the Labour Party. Mr Lamidi Apapa is a meddlesome interloper who is being used by reactionary forces to deny Nigerians the benefit of alternative political thought and organisation geared towards genuine national redemption and transformation. The NLC Political Commission wishes to reiterate its earlier statement disowning the so-called factional leadership of the Labour Party led by Mr Lamidi Apapa. Any attempt to allow Mr Lamidi Apapa to foist the show of shame he and his minions exhibited today at the sitting of the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal would be strongly resisted by Organised Labour.”

The latest crisis in the party has led to a series of name-calling and accusations against each leader. For example, when the House of Representatives caucus of the party called for the postponement of the Nnewi convention to allow for wider consultation, the leadership of the party described them as unknowledgeable in the working of the party.

They went ahead with the convention, even though some major stakeholders stayed away from the convention. It also elected leaders without putting in place proper modalities for such. Some stakeholders in the party said there was no convention or electoral committee put in place for the convention which the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has said it did not monitor.


It was the erstwhile National Treasurer, Oluchi Opara that ignited the latest crisis when she accused Abure of fraud, alleging that he could not account for about N3 billion of the money the party got from the sale of nomination forms for the 2023 general elections.

In June 2022, the NLC gave credence and recognition to the Julius Abure-led leadership of the party. The then NLC President, Ayuba Wabba said in a statement that “the point is that the Labour Party is what the Nigeria Labour Congress and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) say it is”. The leadership of the NLC and TUC recognize the leadership of the LP led by Abure, a former trade union leader and workers are part of the leadership. INEC recognizes only the LP leadership led by the Chairman, Barr. Julius Abure and the National Secretary, Alhaji Farouk Umaru Ibrahim. They are the only Labour Party officials whose details are provided on the INEC website. We understand that with the current repositioning of the Labour Party as the party for workers, youths, students, women, traders, farmers, professionals, physically disabled persons, the unemployed and the downtrodden, the Labour Party has become the albatross of establishment political parties who have suddenly become jittery and are devising all forms of conspiracy theories and subterfuge to distract the Labour Party from ongoing mass mobilization efforts for sweeping electoral victory in the 2023 general elections.

Ironically, the Abure-led LP has continued to deny ownership of the party by the NLC, even though it acknowledged the fact that the Labour Centre registered the party. It argued that the electoral act does not confer ownership of political parties on any individual or organization as it of registered as a body corporate. But acting on what the party called pressure from the NLC, its Board of Trustees said it was taking over the running of the party, promising to reposition it and conduct an all-inclusive national convention.

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NNPP Takes Two Assembly Seats in Kano Re-run




NNPP Takes Two Assembly Seats in Kano Re-run

NNPP Takes Two Assembly Seats in Kano Re-run

The New Nigerian People’s Party (NNPP) has won two State House of Assembly seats in the just concluded rerun elections in the state.

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) declared Dr. Alhassan Ishaq of the NNPP winner of the election in the Kura/Garun Malam Constituency.
The returning officer of the election, Prof. Shehu Galadanchi, announced that Ishaq of the NNPP polled 37,262 votes to beat Musa Daurawa of the All Progressives Congress (APC), who scored 30,803 votes.

Similarly, INEC declared Bello Butu-Butu of the NNPP the winner of the re-run election held at Rimin Gado/Tofa State Constituency.
According to the returning officer of the election, Prof. Ibrahim Tajo Suraj, Butu-Butu polled 31,135 votes to beat his opponent of the APC, who received 25,577 votes.

However, INEC has suspended the election in Kunchi/Tsanyawa after suspected political thugs hijacked election materials to an unknown location.

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